School construction update (February 2015)

The school building in Green Hills cottage community is completed. Currently, we are working on the installation of utilities - one of the most important steps for the comfort and safety of the children.

In autumn 2015, the Basic Secondary School Britannica will open here! This school is distinguished by its unique approach to education, which is not simply the transfer of knowledge to a student, but a complex of measures for the conscious development of the student's own personality.

Ergonomic desks and chairs, whiteboards, modern chemical and physical laboratory, virtual tours to historical epochs, continents, ocean depths and distant planets - that's why your child will learn with pleasure!

A comprehensive and unobtrusive control over the students progresses due to personal communications system will help parents actively participate in the educational process. Our goal is to jointly find a way that the child himself will turn to a road!

More information about the school Britannica can be found on the official website