Aerated concrete houses
Aerated concrete is a highly effective building material, which has a number of advantages over traditional materials.
Cottages and houses built with the use of aerated concrete have increased comfort and performance characteristics, namely:
1. Breathable material. The walls of cottages and houses made of aerated concrete can "breathe"; walls of aerated concrete retain heat in winter, and cool atmosphere in summer.
2. Noise insulation. Aerated concrete allows excellent soundproof.
3. Efficiency and environmental friendliness. Country houses and cottages built of aerated concrete save energy for heating.
4. Easy finishing. Aerated concrete is an ideal materian for any kind of surface finishing; it is easy to nail, drill and saw.
5. Thermal insulation. Aerated concrete have more heat-insulating properties than bricks, which is especially important given the rise of utility prices in our country.