Circus Party 2019
Green Hills residents and guests met the first day of summer at the Circus Party in our cottage community! As June 1 is International Children's Day we treated kids with cotton candy and entertained with animators and the scientific show. With our bungee jump every child and adult tried to fly high in the sky! See photos in a new album>>

All guests could test the electric transport from Maxxter on picturesque streets of Green Hills, play table football, electronic basketball and aerobic hockey. Some residents even took part in an exciting show of cyclo acrobates from "Ukraine Has Talent"!

On the food court: American street food from Yummy Dogs, drinks from Hendrick's bar, sweets from the confectionery Polverol and charity baking from Dutch Baker 21.3. Аnd thanks in advance to our partner Ekonia for delicious bottled water "Malyatko", "Yodo" and "Aquila"!

Thanks to the guests, residents and partners for such an active and warm start of the summer!