Investments in Green Hills from 2008 to 2018
This year Green Hills is 10 years old. Over the decade, Dragon-Ukrainian Properties & Development plc (DUPD) has invested more than $ 21 million in the cottage community. DUPD continues to develop Green Hills and its infrastructure.
The most important expenditure item was and is the infrastructure facilities construction in Green Hills. There are modern sports grounds and kids' playgrounds, two kindergartens, an innovative school, a delicacy mini-market and a cafe in the cottage community. Therefore, our residents can go in for sports, educate children and fully relax right in Green Hills. In total, $ 7,5 million was invested in social infrastructure, of which $ 3 million was invested in school construction and $ 1,4 million in the fitness center with a spa-zone and two pools, which is planned to be completed by the end of 2019.
$ 5,1 million was invested in the construction of engineering utilities such as a drinking water pipe-line, а service water supply line, waste water disposal system, electrical supply network, street lighting, wells and a central waterworks, a lake for the accumulation of technical (irrigation) water, a household refuse processing plant, a stormwater treatment plant, a fiber-optic Internet network with a server, video surveillance and electric perimeter protection. All this creates comfort and safety for our residents.
Another $ 3,6 million was invested in landscaping, building roads and sidewalks. $ 2.6 million was invested in an own service company that maintains the utilities, common territories and safety in the cottage community.
In general, this unique project is ready by more than 80%, and we hope to complete it in the next 3 years.