Green Hills is a partner of Triathlon Ukraine
Green Hills сottage community supports a healthy lifestyle and active sports not only outside the city, but also in the city! That is why this year we are a partner of the Triathlon Ukraine and plan to hold an open training session in our new fitness club Green Hills Fitness & Spa.
Sports, proper diet, fresh air and effective recreation are components of a healthy lifestyle and values shared by our residents. Only for residents in Green Hills there are tennis, football and volleyball courts, school and kindergarten, shop, service and security 24/7.
And the opening of a new fitness club gives you the opportunity to train right next to your house, without wasting precious time on traffic jams. Green Hills fitness & spa presents a new format of sports and relaxation, which has no analogue in the Kyiv suburbs.
A gym with an area of 500 sq m, two swimming pools for both adults and children, a SPA area – from the hammam to the " impression shower", a group fitness area and a large selection of sports and creative areas for children from 3 to 14 years are presented in a new fitness club. Read more in Fitness Club and see you at Triathlon Ukraine!